Notes on save the mother earth
Our Earth is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. As far as we know, Earth is the only planet that has life.
Before 500 A.D., man had a good relationship with Mother Earth. But since humans developed cities and industries, the modern lifestyle has changed. Man has been using and misusing natural resources up to the limit. Now we are tearing up remote corners of the planet looking for crude oil and coal, and our forests and wild animals are disappearing. Our environment is totally polluted: we drink polluted water, inhale air full of dust, and eat food with traces of pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Hence we are suffering from diseases. As a result of human activities, the ozone layer has a hole, the sea is rising, and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland are melting. Now global warming is warning us that climate change is not a hoax and it is coming. Mother Earth is in danger; life on Earth is in danger. Let us come together to save our life-giving and life-saving Mother Earth.
hope it helps!!
Mother Earth has given us many gifts like water, air and soil, which are available abundantly. Humans have used gifts for their advantage. Over the centuries, the ways of using the Earth have caused damage to the planet. The planet needs our help, and we should do everything to help save it.
There are many smalls steps we can take to save the planet. When every person starts talking about an action to save the Earth, there will be a difference. The first way you can keep the ground is by planting trees. Humans have cut down millions of trees so that they can build places.This has resulted in the forest cover of the trees to reduce. Forest cover is the to the area of the trees. If each person plants a tree, the forest cover will increase, and the planet will be green again.
Each person should take a small step because every little step counts in saving the world. We should start putting collective effort in trying this initiative because the planet needs us right now. It’s high time we start taking care of the Earth because it has given us unlimited gifts that we have utilized for our advantages.