English, asked by garvit1397, 1 year ago

Notice on lost on cricket bat


Answered by Anonymous

Hey mate!

Thank you for asking this question! ❤




              Ahmedabad, Gujarat

10th September, 20XX


                 Lost! Lost! Lost!

Attention! This is to inform you that a bat has been lost in the school playground during the match yesterday. The bat is of a willow wood with red and blue stickers with the company's name "spartan" and a remarkable signature of Mr. MS Dhoni.

Therefore, I would like to request you to please  return the bat if anyone finds it because it is really important for me. The finder will surely be rewarded.

Dev Kumar

Class 9th

Roll no. 21


Hope it helps you! ヅ

✪ Be Brainly ✪

Anonymous: reply me in inbox
abhishekbeast67: yar tumne question kiyo delete kiya mera
Answered by DevilDoll12

♦Notice Writing ♦

Name of the School , Place < Centre Aligned >

Date < Left Aligned >

NOTICE < Centre Aligned >

Lost ! Lost ! Lost !

This is to inform all the students that I lost my Cricket Bat in the School playground Yesterday . It is brand new Cosco Bat with a slight dent at the corner . It has my Initials AM written at the side . Anyone who finds it must contact the undersigned or deposit it in the School office . I promise a treat to the finder .


Class , Sec.

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