Now LINK (connect) the sentences (given in the following text) by using
appropriate SEQUENCE MARKERS (such as first, secondly, subsequently, then,
after, finally, at last etc.). You are required to use at least TEN sequence markers in
your answer.
becoming the best teacher of the university, Dr Umar established his
position as a very hard working teacher.
he published many good quality
leaving for the United Kingdom.
he decided
to impress people by another aspect of his professionalism which was achieving
excellence in interactive classroom teaching.
by doing this, he
went one step forward and,
surprised everyone
by winning this prestigious award of best teacher'.
he has
teacher of this university to have won this award.
he has something every good teacher would love to have.
We use a comma after "first", "next", "then" and "finally" when they introduce the sentence that describes the action. "first": for an action that happens before any others. We can also use "first" at the end of the sentence.
Let us _____________ define who a Prime Minister (PM) is. A PM is the chief executive of a country. _____________ in a country like Pakistan, _____________ becoming the PM of the country, ________________________ one needs to become the leader of a political party. ___________________, as a matter of fact, that party must also have a simple majority of seats in the national assembly and _____________ one must also win a national assembly seat _______________. And, ________________, having won the national assembly seat and having a majority in the house, __________________ one must also be in a position to take the vote of confidence __________________ calling oneself the PM of the country.