Science, asked by babitachandani2, 9 months ago

Now share how you wish to bring a change in the bad eating habit​


Answered by 641829krishna


People around the world are discovering that their waistlines are expanding because of bad and often mindless eating habits.[1] Eliminating bad habits and switching to a healthy diet promotes your overall health and can protect you against medical problems like heart disease or cancer.[2] By identifying your bad habits and eating patterns, replacing them with healthy choices, and then maintaining them most days of the week, you can change your bad eating habits and enjoy good health.[3]

Part 1 of 3:

Identifying Bad Habits

Image titled Change Bad Eating Habits Step 1


Inform yourself about healthy habits. Exchanging bad habits for healthy ones may seem simple, but it requires willpower, as well as knowledge about what to eliminate and how to replace it. Informing yourself about eating habits can help you more effectively change your bad eating habits.[4]

Read about nutrition and eating habits either in magazines or online. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and United States Department of Agriculture provide extensive information on health, nutrition and effecting change in your eating habits.[5]


Claudia Carberry, a Registered Dietitian, responds: "Over time, unhealthy eating habits can lead to obesity. Then, obesity can lead to issues such as diabetes and heart disease. A diet high in salt may lead to high blood pressure, for example."

Image titled Change Bad Eating Habits Step 2


  • Keep a food diary. You can’t change bad habits without identifying your current eating patterns. Keeping a detailed food diary can help you figure out your bad and good habits and put you on the path to making changes.[6]

Write down everything you eat for two weeks to a month to help give you an overview and make it easier to identify bad habits and patterns.

Include snacks or foods you eat without normally realizing it or in passing.

Note the source of your food. For example, write if you are eating canned fruit versus fresh fruit.

Consider writing down how you feel before and after meals, which may help you identify bad habits and triggers for them.

Make sure to also note good habits in your food diary. For example, "I eat breakfast every morning, even when I'm busy," or "No matter what, I always have a side salad with dinner."

Image titled Change Bad Eating Habits Step 3


Identify bad eating habits. After a few weeks, you should be able to identify specific habits and patterns of eating. Knowing your bad habits can help you formulate a plan to begin making changes.[7] Some bad habits you might want to note are:

Eating meals too quickly

Eating everything on your plate

Taking multiple helpings of meals

Eating or snacking when you’re not hungry

Eating while standing up, which can make you eat mindlessly or too quickly

Always having appetizers and/or desserts

Skipping meals, especially breakfast[8]

Image titled Change Bad Eating Habits Step 4


Highlight good eating habits. In addition to bad eating habits, you should notice some good habits as well. It's important to know those good habits because they help you see where you're being successful so that you can support and expand those habits. Some examples of good eating habits include the following:

Eating healthy choices such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins

Having a healthy breakfast every day

Limiting high calorie snacks

Keeping sugary snacks to a minimum

Image titled Change Bad Eating Habits Step 5


Develop a plan to gradually change bad habits. When you’ve figured out what your bad habits are, start making a plan to gradually replace them and continue your healthy habits. Include things in your plan like replacing bad foods for healthy alternatives, exercise, and rest.[9]

Make sure your plan is gradual so that it is easier to replace bad habits and reinforce good ones.[10] For example, don’t get rid of all snacks in favor of eating nothing. Limit yourself to a couple of healthy snacks a day. Good snacking options include air-popped popcorn, fruit, and string cheese.[11]

Incorporate your good eating habits into your plan.

Create your plan around three healthy and nutritious meals and two wholesome snacks a day.[12]

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