nu We lollowing questions.
Q1) Name four different layers of atmosphere. Explain briefly.
Q2) What is Ozone? Why Ozone layer is important in the atmosphere?what is ozone why Ozone Layer is important in atmosphere
Answered by
- troposphere- it is the lowest layer of atmosphere which is about 6.2 miles above sea level. we live in this layer. all weather changes, most clouds appears in this layer.
- stratosphere - it is 31 miles above sea level .ozone layer occurs in this passenger. Jet flies occur in lower stratosphere. jet stream flows between stratosphere and troposphere.
- mesophere -it is 53 miles above planet. meteors burn in this layer. here the temperature may be - 90 degrees celsius on its top. air pressure is below one percent present at sea level.
- thermosphere- X rays and UV radiation are absorbed in this layer. satellites circle the earth in this layer .temperature maybe 500 to 2000 degree Celsius .Northern and southern lights occur in this layer.

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