objectives and functions of NCERT,UGC,AICTE,ICMR
The central and state governments in India have formed a number of governing bodies to regulate the education system at all levels from pre primary to higher and technical education. Some of them are:
NCERT - National Council for Educational Research and Training
It undertakes educational research, training and developmental activities. It provides assistance to the government in educational matters.
UGC - Universtiy Grants Commission
It co-ordinates, determines and maintains the standards of university education in the country.
AICTE - All India Council for Technical Education
It is a national-level council for technical education. The Boards of Architecture, Information Technology, Hotel Management and Catering, Undergraduate Studies in Engineering, Post Graduate Education and Research in Engineering and Technology are governed by it.
ICMR - The Indian Council of Medical Research
It is the apex body for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research in India.