Observe a school and prepare a detail report onvarious factors for exclusion on prominent group of children who are at risk for exclusive from education system
Factors for exclusion on prominent groups of children who are at risk for exclusion from education system
Exclusion from education is quite a grim problem in India. The problem is very serious in rural, backward areas. The problem is worst in the Government run schools.
Exclusion from education can be defined as forced or voluntary deprivation of the facilities or opportunities to education. It can be of various types such as outer exclusion and inner exclusion. Outer exclusion can be not being able to enroll oneself in a school owing to poverty, illness, poor health, backwardness, and any other outer reason.
Inner exclusion includes exclusion from education while being a part of it. For example this exclusion happens inside the classroom. It can be due to discrimination, ill-treatment, no classes, boring and passive teaching and learning environment, etc. These conditions cause dropouts and absenteeism.
It has been found that the percentage of outer exclusion is far less than that of the inner exclusion. In order to tackle inner exclusion, the class activities and teaching methodology and quality of teachers and teachings need to be looked into and improved. The teaching should not only be systematic and scientific, but interesting and absorbing also.
The Government must work on the grey areas and factors responsible for both types of exclusions. Providing quality infrastructure in each and every nook, efficient teachers- training programmes, timely inspection of the schools along with regular upgradation of the education system should be done.
Education system in our country needs a lot of improvement.
Some measurements need to be taken to provide a better education to the children so they can develop intellectually but also emotionally.
Education system should provide an education which do not only focus on the academically knowledge but also on the personal growth of the children.