Official records are kept in__and museums
The British felt that all the important letters and documents must be carefully preserved. So they set up record rooms attached to administrative institutions, and institutions such as archives and museums were also established for preserving records.
Official records are kept in__and museums ?
Official records are kept in __Archive__ and museums.
Explanation ⦂
A place where documents and manuscripts are stored is called an archive. An archive is a place to preserve public or personal records, manuscripts, maps, books, etc. It is made to preserve priceless works, manuscripts and materials of archaeological importance. All those objects and works will be found in the archives which have archaeological and historical importance.
Apart from this, the place where old and rare historical items are collected is called a museum. A museum is a place where very rare old priceless objects are preserved so that people can see the importance of those objects by seeing them.
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Identify the correct statement.
Physical level Abstraction: describes how a record is stored
Physical level Abstraction: describes how schema is stored in a data base
Physical level Abstraction: hides details of data types
Physical level Abstraction: describes the data relationships in a data base
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