Physics, asked by liza10987654321, 10 months ago

OLA ‼️‼️‼️‼️

#misSpeAceE ❤

Q) Write the value of of angle of reflection at both the reflecting surfaces M1 and M2 held perpendicular to each other as shown in fig. 15.34.


1)dOn'T taKe hElP oF goOgLe bABa❌❌

2) spAmmeRs stAY aWaY ✋✋☺☺


RahulRJVeer: easy


Answered by RahulRJVeer

As shown in the figure when the Ray of light is incident to platform M1 it makes an Angle of 40° with the platform , Now if we take a Normal for this Incident Ray then the angle between the normal and the platform will be 90° as per LAWS OF REFLECTION

Now we can find the Angle Of Incidence by Subtracting 90° to the 40° Angle which is formed between the incident Ray and the platform

By doing this , we get :- 90° - 40° = 50°

Here we get the Angle Of Incidence as 50°

And now as shown in the figure , both the platforms are placed perpendicular to each other, Hence , the same Angle of incidence will form on the M2 platform

Hence the Angle of Incidence of M2 with the Given ray is 50°

Hope it helped...

RahulRJVeer: Do you understood liza , i am out of station so i can't explain in my notebook?
RahulRJVeer: Infact i am travelling in a train Right Now
RahulRJVeer: Mood Ting Tong! xd , thanks for Brainliest
Answered by Anonymous

Raman effect, change in the wavelength of light that occurs when a light beam is deflected by molecules. When a beam of light traverses a dust-free, transparent sample of a chemical compound, a small fraction of the light emerges in directions other than that of the incident (incoming) beam.

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