English, asked by shibscutegirl2007, 8 months ago

Oliver Goldsmith's 'The Village School Master' is a nostalgic
tribute to the poet's former school teacher. Write a short
appreciation on how the poet combines elements of fear,
respect, admiration and humour in honouring the memory of his
(Word limit - 100-150 words)
As a conclusion to the assignment, interview one of your parents
about a teacher that has influenced him/her the most and why.
Summarise their memory in about 50-80 words. (a short


Answered by chintu098


The poem first describes an abandoned schoolhouse that was once noisy and led by a stern schoolmaster who took education and teaching seriously. Throughout the poem, the narrator describes how the children perceived him; although he was stern, they laughed at his jokes and recognized his kindness, and they admired all his knowledge and talent. Now, the narrator remarks that all of it is in the past and the schoolmaster is not here anymore.

The poem "The Village Schoolmaster" is actually a fragment of a longer poem called "The Deserted Village," which is a description and social commentary on a village that has been abandoned by its residents. The final line of "The Village Schoolmaster" refers to the abandonment of the village when it says: "The very spot where many a time he triumph'd is forgotten." It was first published in 1770. Although the full poem was quite popular, it was also controversial due to its disparagement of the pursuit of excessive wealth and disdain of the corrupting influence of luxury.

"The Village Schoolmaster" opens with a description of the fence and the shrubs that surround the school building. It then zooms in on the schoolmaster. In appearance he is severe and stern. In other words, he looks as if he is a strict disciplinarian. In his expression students can read if the day has been difficult.

The schoolmaster often tells jokes, and the students laugh to please him, whether or not they think that the jokes are funny. If they see him frown they are concerned and whisper to each other about it. However, the poem emphasizes that he is a kind man, and if he is ever severe, it is only because he is so concerned that the students learn their lessons.

The entire village is impressed by the schoolmaster's education. He can not only read and write, but he can also do arithmetic, is skilled at debate, and has an impressive vocabulary. The simple rustic villagers marvel how one person can know so much.

The time during which the schoolmaster was famous as a man of learning is in the past, though, and the school where he taught is forgotten.

Answered by Anonymous


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