English, asked by nashwa, 1 year ago


1.a) Should games compulsary or not
b) Some people feel that games be
C) compulsary while do not agree
d) personnally
e) i think games are very essential distress

2.a) People have a positive self image
b) Seem to be ones favoured by lady luck
c) They are happy lots of friends
d) They respected wherever they go

3.a) Norris sat a bench in the park
b) his back was to strip of bushes fenced
c) By park railings it around
d) Six early march evening

LoonyThinker: what is the meaning of omission?


Answered by jacobthomas1
1)a)games be compulsory
b)games should be
c)while some do not
d)but personally
e)essential for distress

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