on a map of India locate the center of different crafts today. Find out when these centers came up.
The various centres of Craft production are Dharmavaram, Assam, Andhra Pradesh and Sualkuchi.
These places have rich variety of crafts in our country.
The craft work in each centre shows how versatile our country is.
There are various places and people who have incredible craft art skills which do not only get appreciated by Indian but is very famous all over the world.
Whenever we think of arts, crafts and handicrafts- India is the name that comes into our mind. With thousands year of history, multiple ethnicities,religions and cultures-India has a variety of crafts unparalleled by any other country or culture. There are many different crafts in our history,such as- Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Delhi, Gujrat, Haryana. Each state and every region in India has a rich traditions of handicrafts and art works that narrate the legacy of Indian culture.