On a particular day a bag shop collected Rs.32,970 by selling school bags and Rs.13,745 by selling handbags. Find the approximate amount collected by selling these products by rounding off to the nearest thousand. Plz answer fast and correctly and I will make your answer brainliest :)
Step-by-step explanation:
By selling school bag in a shop=Rs32970
By selling handbags in a shop= Rs13745
Total amount collected by selling both=Rs 46715
Anything similar to something else but not precisely the same is called an approximation. By rounding, a number can be roughly estimated. By rounding the values in a computation before carrying out the procedures, an estimated result can be obtained.
A bag shop collected Rs 32,970 and Rs. 13,745 by selling school bags and handbags respectively.
The amount collected by selling these products when rounded off to the nearest thousands.
A bag shop collected Rs. 32,970 by selling school bags.
And collected Rs. 13,745 by selling handbags.
When rounded up to the nearest thousand:
The amount collected by selling school bags is Rs. 33,000.
The amount collected by selling handbags is Rs. 14,000.
Therefore, the total amount collected by selling the products is :
Rs. 33000 + Rs. 14000 = Rs. 47000
The approximate amount collected by selling these products by rounding off to the nearest thousand is Rs. 47000.