Science, asked by pandeyrajesh1040, 23 hours ago

24. A part of the periodic table is given below:
Li Be
Na Mg
к са
8 с C NOLE
Al Si P S CI
Ga Ge As Se Br
Based on the given table:
(a) As we move horizontally from left to right, what
happens to the non-metallic character of the
(b) As we move horizontally from left to right, what
happens to the valency of elements?ए कन्वैक्स लेंस कैन फॉर्म ए मैग्नीफाइड डायरेक्ट एजबेला एजे मैग्नीफाइड इनवर्टेड इमेज ऑफ एन ऑब्जेक्ट प्लेसिड इन फ्रंट ऑफ यू टू ड्रा द डायग्राम टो जस्टिफाई द स्टेटमेंट सेटिंग द पोजीशन ऑफ द ऑब्जेक्ट विद रिस्पेक्ट बैलेंस इन ईच केस ​


Answered by kakarlaprasad2004


The tendency to gain electrons increases on moving across a period due to an increase in the nuclear charge and decrease in the atomic size. Hence, the non-metallic character increases across a period. As we move down the group, the non-metallic character decreases due to increase in the atomic size.

As we move from left to right in a Periodic Table the valency first increases till 4 and then again decreases

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