On water demand and factors affecting rate of demand
- population of that settlement
- nearby water resources
- climatic condition
- geographic condition
Rainfall, temperature and evaporation rates – Precipitation and temperature varies widely
across the state. Areas with high temperature and low rainfall need to use more water to
maintain outdoor landscaping. Even within the same hydrologic region or the same water supply
district these factors can vary considerably, having a significant effect on the amount of water
needed to maintain landscapes.
Population growth – As communities grow, new residential dwellings are constructed with
more efficient plumbing fixtures, which causes interior water use to decline per person as
compared to water use in older communities. Population growth also increases overall demand.
Population density – highly urbanized areas with high population densities use less water per
person than do more rural or suburban areas since high density dwellings tend to have shared
outdoor spaces and there is less landscaped area per person that needs to be irrigated.
Socio-economic measures such as lot size and income – Areas with higher incomes generally
use more water than areas with low incomes. Larger landscaped residential lots that require
more water are often associated with more affluent communities. Additionally, higher income
households may be less sensitive to the cost of water, since it represents a smaller portion of
household income.
Water prices – Water prices can influence demand by providing a monetary incentive for
customers to conserve water. Rate structures have been established in many districts to
incentivize water conservation, but the effectiveness of these rate structures to deter excessive
use and customers sensitivity to water prices vary.