On what basis revaluation of assets and liabilities are done at the time of admission of partners?
please give me accurate answer.
I know answer is too big but it may help you if you feel help then plz mark me as brainlest......
The value of assets shown in Balance Sheet may be different than market value. So the increase
or decrease in the value at the time of admission of new partner belongs to old partners. The new
partner has no right over such past profits Also he should not suffer due to losses on revaluation of
Same way there may be unrecorded Asset or unrecorded Liability at the time of admission. It
should be shown in the books before admitting the new partner. Such adjustment of values of assets
and liabilities is called as ‘Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities’.
At the time of reconstitution of the firm, assets and liabilities of the firm are revalued. The
change made in the value of assets and liabilities are recorded in ‘Revaluation Account’ or ‘Profit
and Loss Adjustment Account’. After recording the increase or decrease in asset and liabilities the
gain or loss on revaluation is transferred to old partners’ Capital / Current accounts in their old profit
sharing ratio. Revaluation Account / Profit and Loss Adjustment account is a Nominal Account.