on what factors does the output of hydroelectric power plant depends
(i) Regular and abundant supply of water or quantity of water;
(ii) Rugged topography or degree of slope;
(iii) Existence of rapids and waterfalls;
(iv) Solid rock structure or geological stability for construction of dams;
(v) Suitable climate, i.e., temperature above freezing point;
(vi) Presence of lakes; and
(vii) Silt-free water, etc.
2. Economic Factors:
These factors are as follows:
(i) Demand of power:
In order to compensate the high construction cost of the hydel projects demand for power is necessary. So that the generated electricity should be easily utilised in the nearby area. A densely-populated area is more suitable, where demand for power is more.
(ii) Lack of other energy sources:
The hydel-power projects are more successful where other sources of power are not available. In countries where coal and petroleum are available in abundance, electricity is also generated with them.
(iii) Capital investment:
Modern large-scale hydro-projects are expensive involving dam erection, power plant construction, costs of transmission and round-the-year maintenance as well as incidental costs of compensation, etc.
3. Other factors:
(a) Location of industrial and commercial centers,
(b) Improved modern technology, and
(c) Transport and communication are important.