English, asked by ransingh31, 2 months ago

Once evening an old was passing through a village
street. He heard a sweet song. It was coming from a
house. He stood outside on the road till the song ended.
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He went near the house and found that a small girl was
singing the song. He patted her affectionately and put a
gold coin onto her palm.
(a) What did the old man hear?
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(b) What was a small girl singing?
(c) Write the opposites of words:
(1) coming (i) big (1) sweet
(d) What did old man give to the girl?
(e) Where did old man stand?
mlo got​


Answered by mdrasmr787878


a) song b) girls was singing the song c) going , small,sour d) coin e) street


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