once upon a time there lived a farmer he had a very big farm house he had seven sons who was constantly fighting ........and they lived happily forever
complete the story and also give pic
one day his sons had died in fire accident
so the farmer will so sad
The story is as follows:-
Once upon a time there lived a farmer. He had four sons and had a big farmhouse. But all his sons were constantly fighting. So, he decided to teach them a lesson. He collected four sticks from his garden and gave one stick to each of his son.
He then asked each one of them to break that stick. All of them were able to break the one stick they all had easily. Now, he made a bundle of four sticks and asked each one of them to break it. He said that whoever breaks it would get an advantage in his will. But, none of the sons were able to break that bundle of stick.
At last, farmer asked them the lesson they all learnt from this incident. They realized that no one could break them if they stay united. Thus, “United we stand and divided we fall”.
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