Science, asked by Mamtarastogi5898, 1 year ago

One article to save our planet


Answered by sara1499

The Earth is home to the millions of life forms that inhabit it. There are both terrestrial creatures that live on the land, and aquatic creatures that live in water.

Life on Earth is possible because of the availability of sunshine, air, water and vegetation on it. If life is to continue on Earth, the planet must be safeguarded from degradation and destruction. When land, air and water are polluted, all life forms that inhabit the Earth are in danger. Air pollution, water pollution, soil erosion and deforestation are only some of the environmental issues. The destruction of the Earth and its environment has been caused due to many of man’s activities.

Excessive vehicular traffic has led to severe air pollution. Likewise, an ever-increasing number of factories emitting toxic smoke into the air has polluted the air immensely. Similarly, dumping of domestic and industrial garbage into water bodies has resulted in water pollution.

The clearing of forests has also led to ecological damage. As trees are invaluable in maintaining ecological equilibrium, the felling of trees has led to environmental degradation including global warming and climate change. It is necessary that the Earth is protected so that life can be protected.

Answered by Anonymous

Saving our Planet

- by Ranu

Humans, in a madness to satiate their selfish needs, have run havoc on this beautiful planet. Lush greenlands have been turned into Barren wastelands. Forest cover has depleted to an extent that several wild species have become extinct and others are on the verge of extinction. Ralentless burning of fossil fuels has led to an increase in the atmospheric temperature which is causing global warming. All such activities have also endangered our own existence on earth.

In order to undo all what we have done and prosper, we must follow the 3 Rs of survival - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We should reduce our daily consumption and resources and avoid wastage. Whenever we can we must reuse the products that we can. And last but not the least, we must cycle all the stuff that we can in order to lessen our non-stop claims on the reserves of the resources on earth. Remember that we only have one planet to live on!

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