one honey bee hive consists of different types of bees what are they how they differ from each other
Honey bees: Honey bees live in large, well organised colonies or ‘societies’ of around 50,000 to 60,000 workers.
Bumblebees: Bumblebees live in much smaller colonies, generally with around 120 workers, but sometimes as small as 40 workers, or very occasionally as many as 400 in a rare, but very successful colony.
Solitary bees: Solitary bees are of course, solitary, although some species do live in a form of society, with sister bees nesting close to each other. For example, this is true of some mining bees.
Nests and the Different Types of BeesHoney bees: In the wild, honey bees make their nests in the cavities of trees or buildings. However, man has domesticated the honey bee, so that they may be kept in hives.
Bumblebees: I have often been asked if bumblebees live in hives. Of course, hives are man-made constructs for keeping honey bees which live in large colonies. Depending on the species of bumblebee, some may nest in abandoned rodent holes, whilst others will choose tussocks of grass. However, with declining habitat availability, they are becoming increasingly adaptable, and have been found to nest in abandoned bird boxes and even in an old jacket pocket! See my page about bumblebee nests.
Solitary bees: again, depending on the species, they may construct small nests in the ground, in cavities in wood or hollow stems.
Many solitary bees can be encouraged into the garden by providing hollow canes. Also, why not take a look at my bee nest Q&A.WATCHMason bees videoHoney and the Different Types of Bees
Honey bees: Honey bees make a large quantity of honey (possible due to the size of colonies – that is, many worker bees collecting nectar). Honey consists of nectar combined with a ‘bee enzyme’ that goes through a process of concentration in the honeycomb before it is capped by the bees. Learn more on my page 'How do bees make honey?',
Bumblebees: Bumblebees, in one sense, make a form of honey, which they collect in nectar pots to be eaten by the colony, including the newly hatched worker females. However, the process of concentrating, capping, and the making of honey combs does not happen in bumblebee colonies, nor is nectar stored over winter, since only the queen survives and hibernates, whilst the rest of the colony do not.
Solitary bees: Solitary bees do not make honey combs. They construct egg cells which they provision with a ball of nectar and pollen that will be consumed by the new larvae.
Honey bees: Honey bee queens may naturally live for 2 to 3 years, but even as many as 4 years.
She lays thousands of eggs. You can read more about the honey bee queen here.Bumblebees: Bumblebee queens have much shorter life cycles. Some bumblebees emerge earlier or later than others, but a new queen bumblebee emerging in the late summer will mate, hibernate, and remerge the following year to establish a new colony. By the time she herself produces new queens, it may then be the late summer again, whereupon she and the rest of the colony will not usually survive (although patterns can vary in different countries). Thus, if successful, a bumblebee queen could live for up to one year. During this time, depending on the species, she may produce a colony of 40 -120 workers. A very large and less common, could have as many as 400 workers.