Biology, asked by madavaimp, 6 months ago

One marks test 1. Which of the following is not a poikilothermous? a) Trygon b) Catla c) Psittacula d) Chameleon 2.Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of phylum Annelida? a) Ventral nerve cord b) Closed circulatory system c) Segmentation d) Pseudocoelom 3.Malphigian tubules are excretory organs of a) earthworm b) roundworms c) silkmoth d) pearl oyster 4.Which of the following is false about aschelminthes? a) They are commonly called as roundworms. b) They are diploblastic and pseudocoelomate animals. c) They have well developed pharynx. d) Females are longer than males. 5.Osteichthyes belongs to a) class amphibia b) super class pisces c) super class tetrapoda d) division agnatha 6.Animal having a water canal system and spicules is---- a) Pleurobrachia b) Antedon c) Spongilla d) Aurelia 7.Rasping organ in molluscs is a) Ctenidia b) Nephridia c) Radula d) Gills 8.Which of the following in NOT an amphibian? a) frog b) salamander c) toad d) snake 9.Gnathostomata means a) Absence of ja b) Oval shaped jaw c) Circular jaw d) Presence of jaw 10.The parasite that cause elephantiasis is---- a) Filarial worm b) Round worm c) Tapeworm d) Hookworm​


Answered by praveennair731


good morning



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