one should eat to live , not live to eat expand the idea in three paragraph and in simple words up
Eat for nourishment, and not as a main source of pleasure. The expression discourages overeating.
Take a look around you next time you're at the food court in the mall. What do you see? More than likely you will see overweight men and women ordering double cheeseburgers and large fries from McDonald's or something of that nature. To most people, seeing this is nothing new. We live in a fast food nation where parents pick up fast food on the way home from work for their kids and themselves. Of course it's easier and more convenient, but what they don't understand is when they end up with a disease caused by their eating habits, these diseases will not have been worth the easy and convenient dinners they consumed. America needs to know they are eating themselves to death. The people selling all these things don't care about our health; they just care about the money they're making off of us.
The other main cause is our lack of exercise. We have machines that do everything for us. Our cars take us everywhere we need to go instead of walking. Elevators and escalators take you to the higher floors of buildings instead of having to take the stairs. Most jobs consist of sitting at a desk in front of a computer now and people are so lazy they email or call people in the same building to make contact. The children of our country don't go outside anymore. They sit in their homes and play video games or watch TV. There are remotes for TVs, fans, stereos, etc. so you don't even have to get off the couch to operate them. Just those little things could make somewhat of a difference. As a nation, we are lazy. There is no other way to put it. We need to GET UP AND MOVE!
If the population doesn't change these poor eating habits and start to exercise, they will continue to gain weight and become obese if not already. Being overweight or obese can lead to many health conditions. T