One way of influencing Hunan health by political aspect
Health, along with food and shelter, is a fundamental element of every person’s life. If we are in good health we may take it for granted, but when our health is bad — when we are ill or injured — it becomes central to our lives.
Medical specialists tend to talk about health in terms of its opposite — disease and injury. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not simply the absence of disease or infirmity.’ This formulation, though broad, has the virtue of situating health as essentially a social concept, the result of relationships between individuals and their physical, economic and social environment. And it is not too far removed from the terms that someone from a traditional, pre-industrial culture would probably use to characterize health — as growth, strength and fertility. [1]
Who gets health care, and what kind of care, are political questions. The health care strategies of any society have a significant class dimension: Will resources be used primarily to improve nutrition, sanitation and workplace environments, and the health of the base of the population, or to acquire expensive technologies that will benefit mainly those holding economic power? Not surprisingly, given the rapid income growth of the 1970s and early ’80s, the Middle East region’s health profile shows some impressive improvements. Indeed, the Middle East has shown the most improvement of any region in raising its child survival rate, though it still has a poorer record than every other part of the world except sub- Saharan Africa. In a region with almost 50 million children below five years old, a 90 percent survival rate means five million childhood deaths and a level of suffering that cannot be quantified. Furthermore, the most populous countries are among the poorest in the region and most hard hit by the economic contraction of the past five years.