Biology, asked by armanbade, 8 months ago

Open any file available on system,add some points and mark them as bullets , change bullets styles and verify the result of all bullets styles. ​


Answered by SumitSh4rma
How to add bullets to your list
The grown-up way to create bullets is to use a bulleted Style.One easy way to do that is to click on the Style box and select List Bullet. But first you need to tell Word to show you the List Bullet style in the list of styles.

Step 1: Make sure you can see the List Bullet style
To tell Word to show you the List Bullet style in the list of styles, do the following.

For users of Word 2002: On the Format menu, choose Styles and Formatting. The Styles and Formattingtask pane will pop up. Down the bottom, in the Show box, choose "All Styles".

For users of Word before 2002: On the Format menu, chooseStyle. The Style dialog box will pop up. In the Category box, choose "All Styles".

Step 2: Apply the List Bullet style
Locate the Style box on the Formatting toolbar. It probably says 'Normal'.
Figure 1: Locate the Style box on the Formatting toolbar. Click the arrow and choose the List Bullet style.
Click in the first paragraph that you want bulleted. From the Style box on the toolbar (Figure 1), select List Bullet. That will give you a bullet at the beginning of the paragraph.

You have two more paragraphs to format. You can select both at once, and apply the List Bullet style to both at once. To do that, click anywhere in one paragraph. Hold down Shift. Click anywhere in the other paragraph. Now, use the Style box and choose List Bullet.

You'll see something like the following:

There are three kinds of lazy dogs:¶
dogs that like to sleep all day¶
dogs that just don't mind being jumped over¶
dogs that have workked hard all day and are now resting.¶
Your List Bullet style probably has your bulleted paragraphs flush against the left margin. But we want them indented by, say, 1.5cm. (I can't cope with the old British Imperial measurement system, so the Americans among you will have to translate into inches. It's very roughly an inch.)

Step 3: Modify the List Bullet style
So, we need to modify the List Bullet style to change the left indent. How to do that? First, make sure the Insertion Point is in one of your List Bullet paragraphs.

In Word 2002, Format > Styles and Formatting. Down the bottom of the pane on the right, set Show to be "All Styles". Now, find List Bulletin the list of styles. Right-click List Bullet and choose Modify. (For older versions of Word, Format > Styles. Click Modify.)

Step 3.1: The Modify Style dialog box
In the Modify Style dialog box, click Format then Numbering. Word controls the format of bullets, including indents, by the Numbering options.
Figure 2: In the Modify Style dialog box, click Format, then Numbering.
We're now in the Modify Style dialog. Click Format, then Numbering (Figure 2). Yes: Numbering. Common sense says that modifying a left indent has nothing to do with numbering. It seems like the left indents should be controlled from the Paragraph settings.True. In my view, it's a bug.

It might also seem odd to have to click Numbering when you want to deal with bullets. But Word thinks they're much the same thing. So click Numbering.

Step 3.2: The Bullets and Numbering dialog box
In the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, one scheme may already be highlighted. Always choose the highlighted scheme. Then click Customize
Figure 3: In the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, one scheme may already be highlighted. Always choose the highlighted scheme, then click Customize. This picture is from Word 2002. Your dialog box may look different if you have an earlier version of Word, or if you havecustomized any of the schemes.
You're now at the Bullets and Numbering dialog box. Click the Bulleted tab. You will see 8 schemes for bulleting (Figure 3).

If one scheme is highlighted, perhaps with a blue border, choose it. No matter how tempting the other ones look, click the highlighted one and then click Customize.
If none of the 8 schemes is highlighted, choose the one that looks most like what you want to achieve, and click it. Then, clickCustomize. And … promise yourself now that, if you have to come back to this dialog box, you will always choose the highlighted scheme.
Step 3.3: The Customize Bulleted List dialog box
In this dialog box, you can have a bit of fun. For example, you could click the Font button to make the bullets red. More usefully, you set the indents here.

This dialog box wins my award for inscrutable communication of the decade! It's about as intuitive as jumping out of a 747 without a parachute. The dialog box has changed a bit over the years (and in the process become even more inscrutable) so I'll show you two versions of it.
Answered by tusharsavale201


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