Biology, asked by Anonymous, 9 months ago

osmosis experiment materials required 3 eggs water 3 button ice white vinegar distilled water light corn syrup sportage phone measure cup one cup only measuring spoon sticky notes and marker scale now procedure place one egg in each class for in enough vinegar to cover is egg bubbles we still will start to form around the egg and is float up to keep its organs to put a butter knife in the glass to hold it down put the three glasses in the refrigerator and allowed to sit for 24 hours gently gently holding the egg in the glass for out the old vinegar and let sit in the refrigerator for another train for hours repeat that this process until the cells a fully dissolved and only the membrane remains this should take about to treat this gently remove eggs using a slotted spoon and rings remove eggs and rinse with the top water in the sink drains out the empty glasses as well gently put the the shell less egg a side for a moment on a plate prepare three different sugar water solutions as follows labelling with the sticky notes glass 1 hai per tonic for in one cup of corn syrup glass to label isotonic add one and half spoon tablespoon corn syrup to the to one measure measuring cup and fill the fill the remainder with distilled water pour into the into glass and stir to dissolve glass 3 label hypertonic 4 in 1 cup of distilled water gently put one shell less is still water gently sports 1 schedule s 1 in each glasses and let it sit in the refrigerator for any other 24 hours remove the eggs from the refrigerator and gently food the glasses on a plate hue hue The eggs before putting them in a IT solution where them again what happened of to each of the eggs?​


Answered by kanhaiyyamhetre


Right now, as you read this, there are millions of things happening throughout your body. The food you ate just a bit ago is making its way through a watery slurry inside your stomach and small intestines. Your kidneys are working hard to excrete waste and extra water. The lacrimal glands near your eyes are secreting tears, which allow your eyelids to close without damaging your eyeballs. What’s one thing that all of these processes have in common? They all rely on osmosis: the diffusion of water from one place to another.

Osmosis factors heavily in each of these processes and is an important force for keeping every single cell in your body healthy. Osmosis is hard to see without a microscope. But if we create our very own model of a cell, using a shell-less chicken egg, we can see what happens when we manipulate the osmotic balance in the “cell”!

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