Science, asked by navneetj1, 1 year ago

oue no 1) explain the following:-

1) symbiotic

2) saprophytes

3) binomial nomenclature

4) angiosperms

5) cryptogamae


Answered by SassyBae
A SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP : benefits both parties. ... In biology, symbiotic refers to any diverse organisms that live together, but in this case, the relationship is not necessarily beneficial to both. Parasites, for example, have a symbioticrelationship with their hosts, but only the parasite benefits.

SAPROPHYTE : a plant, fungus, or microorganism that lives on dead or decaying organic matter.

BINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE : the system of nomenclature in which two terms are used to denote a species of living organism, the first one indicating the genus and the second the specific epithet.

ANGISPERMS : are flowering plants that produce both flowers and seeds as part of their reproductive process.

CRYPTOGAM : is a plant that reproduces by spores, without flowers or seeds. "Cryptogamae" means hidden reproduction, referring to the fact that no seed is produced, thus cryptogams represent the non-seed bearing plants.

Answered by Furious089
☆Symbiotic :-
Symbiotic refers as involving interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association.

☆Saprophyte :-
Saprophyte, referred as a saprobe or saprotroph, is any organism that feeds and grows on dead organisms. This means that a saprophyte is a decomposer, breaking down complex matter and absorbing the simpler products.

☆Binomial nomenclature :-
Binomial nomenclature is the formal naming system for living things that all scientists use. It gives every species a two-part scientific name. For example, a ladybug found in the United States goes by the fancy name of Harmonia axyridis.

☆Angiosperm :-
Angiosperms are seed-bearing vascular plants. Their reproductive structures are flowers in which the ovules are enclosed in an ovary.

☆Crptogamae :-
Cryptogamae are non-flowering and non-seed bearing plants. They are divided into bryophyte, pteridophyta and thallophyta.Thallophyta again further divided into Algae, fungi and lichens.Eg: Cryptogams' make up around 84 % of the worlds ‘botanical' diversity: they include the fungi (including lichens), bryophytes (mosses, liverworts and hornworts), the pteridophytes (ferns and horsetails) and algae.
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