Social Sciences, asked by nikki4019, 1 year ago

and sisters
ied herita
_nimal, ig. 1.1: Carl Sagan, a scientist pointed out that
all of human history has happened on that tiny
rel shown here inside a yellow circle which is our
Jy home, Earth. This photo taken from the space
We live on this Earth along with
millions of other animals, plants and
micro-organisms. We human beings
arrived on this earth about one lakh
years ago. More than any other animal,
human beings have been trying to
make the Earth a better place to live
in. We have been constantly trying to
change ourselves and
surroundings. In this process we have
entered into conflict with other
inhabitants of the Earth and amongst
ourselves. But, above all we have tried
to understand our earth and our
activities so that we can live a better
life. For long we have looked at the
Earth as a storehouse of resources
which we can exploit and use at will.
Gradually we are realising the fallacy
of this viewpoint. Our reckless
exploitation of the Earth has meant the
is known as “Pale Blue Dot".
destruction of forests, rivers, hills,
fellow animals and even fellow humans. This has resulted in what many are calling
the environmental crises' like global warming and poisoning of our soils, water
and air. Today, more than at any other time we need to build a new understanding of
the Earth, how it works and what we do on it and what we do with each other.
In class VI to VIII you have studied about diverse people living in different
kinds of lands in different times, how they used the forests, soils, water and minerals
of the earth. In the following four chapters we will study about the Earth as a large
interconnected system we will see how the rocks, soils, minerals, water, air,
sunshine, forests, animals and humans interact with each other and change each
other constantly.

plss try 1 mark questions and answers in this matter

I will mark u as a brainlest answer....​


Answered by het7776shah


here is your answer

mark me at brainly

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