Math, asked by gurcharanbaring, 3 months ago

Outline of the story is given below. Complete the story.
___a farmer had a magic goose. ____laid a golden egg. ____ farmer sold ___ a good price ____ became rich ____ built a large house ____ lived ____ with wife and children, _____ good food to eat. ____ fine clothes ____ one night a wicked idea ____ could be very rich ____ golden eggs from the body of the goose. ____ neet morning ____ killed the goose ____ tore her body went mad ____ goose was dead ____ not get golden egg.​


Answered by ashy69963


If a farmer had a magic goose. and it laid a golden egg. the former sold it in a good price and become richand built a 'large house . lived he with wife and children, the good food to eat .find clothes and one night a wicked idea they could be very rich . the golden egg from the body of goose. the next day morning he killed the goose . and tore her body went mad the goose was dead but not get golden egg

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