P Assets purchased on 1 April 2001 foro no
60,000 Rate of dep, is 10%. p. a under
sixed instalement method Assets Sold
On 31 Jelly 2004 for f 32000. Calculated
dep. and profits es less on cassets
Sold Accounting o geam
D 31 mar
Answered by
1 .4 .2001. 60000
(-) depreciation
in 31.3.2002. 6000
value on 1.4.2002. 54000
(-) depreciation
on 31.3 2003. 6000
value on 1.4.2003. 48000
(-) depreciation
on 31.3.2004. 6000
balance on.4.2004 42000
(-) depreciation
from 1.4.2004
to 31.7.2004.
60000×10%×4/12. 2000
book value on
31.7.2004. 40000
selling price. 32000
loss on sale. 8000
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