P orbitals are dash dash in shape
1)Beginning with boron, a 3D tetrahedral structure begins to form. It is no longer planar (2D).
2)There are six protons in the 2p subshell (B to Ne). This is the 3rd level of a tetrahedron. The side view of an atomic element, based on the axis of rotation, is shown below.
3)The first four protons (H to Be) are now arranged as the first two layers of the tetrahedron.
4)Beginning with the 2p subshell, neutrons will be excluded from the view for simplicity to visualize the nucleus structure.
5)However, neutrons are assumed to continue to fill the spaces between protons.

Orbitals are define as the regions in space where electrons are found.
The p orbital is a dum-bbell-shaped or lobed region on opposite sides of the nucleus. Quantum numbers associated with an energy state decides the shape of orbitals.
The dum-bbell shape of p orbit describes that electrons have the probability to be present in either half.
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