Hindi, asked by bc422618, 6 months ago

प्रश्न -2 निम्िललखखत कावयांश को पढ़कर प्रश्िों के उत्तर र्दीजिए। {7}

जिस-जिस से पथ पर स्िेह लमला उस-उस राही को धन्यवार्द ।

िीवि अजस्थर, अििािे ही हो िाता पथ पर मेंल कहीं

सीलमत पग -डग, लंबी मंजिल तय कर लेिा कुछ खेल िहीं

र्दाएाँ -बाएाँ सुख-र्दखु चलते सम्मुख चलता पर्द का प्रमार्द

जिस -जिससे पथ पर स्िेह लमला उस- उस राही को धन्यवार्द।

िो साथ ि र्दे पाए उिसे बोला कब सुिी हुई डगर

मैंभी ि चलाँू यहर्द तो भी क्या, राही मर लेककि राह अमर

इस पर्द पर वे ही चलते हैं िो चलिे का पा गए स्वार्द

जिस- जिससे पथ पर स्िेह लमला उस- उस राही को धन्यवार्द।

(क) कवव के अिुसार िीवि कै सा है? {1}

(ख) िीवि रूपी यात्रा मेंकै से-कै सेअवसर आतेहैं? {1}

(ग) िीवि- रूपी डगर पर कौि चलतेहैं? {2}

(घ) कवव ककसको धन्यवार्द र्देता है? {1}

(ङ मािव का अमर होिा ककसेकहतेहैं?​


Answered by kaptansinghsinha517


Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. Flat shapes like squares, circles, and triangles are a part of flat geometry and are called 2D shapes. These shapes have only 2 dimensions, the length and the width.Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. Flat shapes like squares, circles, and triangles are a part of flat geometry and are called 2D shapes. These shapes have only 2 dimensions, the length and the width.Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. Flat shapes like squares, circles, and triangles are a part of flat geometry and are called 2D shapes. These shapes have only 2 dimensions, the length and the width.Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. Flat shapes like squares, circles, and triangles are a part of flat geometry and are called 2D shapes. These shapes have only 2 dimensions, the length and the width.Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. Flat shapes like squares, circles, and triangles are a part of flat geometry and are called 2D shapes. These shapes have only 2 dimensions, the length and the width.Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. Flat shapes like squares, circles, and triangles are a part of flat geometry and are called 2D shapes. These shapes have only 2 dimensions, the length and the width.Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. Flat shapes like squares, circles, and triangles are a part of flat geometry and are called 2D shapes. These shapes have only 2 dimensions, the length and the width.Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. Flat shapes like squares, circles, and triangles are a part of flat geometry and are called 2D shapes. These shapes have only 2 dimensions, the length and the width.Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, positions angles and dimensions of things. Flat shapes like squares, circles, and triangles are a part of flat geometry and are called 2D shapes. These shapes have only 2 dimensions, the length and the width.

Answered by BeraPrapti


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नो नो

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