CBSE BOARD X, asked by abdullahqurashi924, 11 months ago

Pamphlet on girls"education and it's importance.


Answered by Sreeja7823


Girls Education

Girls in India are not treated equally. They are given less importance because most of the Indians thinks boys are more worth than girls . This is absolutely wrong and unfair . Even girls have a life and girls want to live happily. But in India, girls are mistreated and abused . They are not given proper education and they are mostly forced to child marriage , this is not happening right now but in old times most of the girls are made to marry someone at a very young age . In some countries, girls and boys have equal representation . They are treated equally with boys especially in the Scandinavian countries like Norway , Finland etc . Girls should be educated as they are said to be same as clever as boys and the Indian society is also called a male dominating society . This needs to be stopped and people or children should be given proper education irrespective of their gender .

It is said that "Ten sons are equal to one daughter"

This is true as girls are achieving a lot.

Let's say no to gender discrimination, girl abuse , child marriage and illiteracy. Raise your voice in order to save lives .

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