Panchayati raj composition duration and function
_At Village level : Each village , or a group of villages has a gram panchayat .
_Gram Sabha : Panchayat works under overall supervision of gram sabha .
All the voters in the village are it's members .
_Panchayat Samiti : A few gram panchayats are grouped together to form Panchayat samiti or block or mandal .
_Zila Parishad : All the panchayat samiti or mandals together in a district forms the zila parishad .
5 years is the duration for Panchayati Raj in India .
1. It is the dicision making body of the village .
2. Preparation of plan for economic development and social justice of their villages .
3. Implementation of schemes for the economic development of their villages .
4. Collection of all the taxes , duties and fees.
Very hard questions