Paradise lies beneath the feet of the mother .sum up the idea in a brief paragraph
Paradise Lies Beneath Our Mother’s Feet
“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.” Rudyard Kipling’s words aptly describe mothers’ great, unconditional love for their children and family members. Our mothers are equally godlike. From dawn till late night they work with self-less love, care, and devotion to their families. When we are preparing for our exams, they wake us at 5 a.m. with a steaming cup of coffee. It means they must have got up at 4:30 a.m. How do they manage to stay so active in spite of going to bed after ensuring our good night’s sleep?
Soon after, they get busy in preparing breakfast and lunch for the entire family. They pack everyone’s tiffin box, water bottle, etc. After we go to school, they never have time to rest. Washing dishes and clothing, cleaning, dusting, ironing, buying vegetables and fruit from the green grocer, etc., they are busy throughout the day. When tired we reach home after the school, they welcome us with their reassuring and loving smiles. They serve us our delicious lunch, which refreshes and energizes us.
They are our wonderful counselors and psychotherapists too. They are so good at detecting our tensions, worries, and concerns. Not only they elicit the source of our burdens out of us, they also cure all our aches. Then comes the dusk, they are the busiest at this hour.
Our mothers are always busy, working cooking dinner for us. They serves us our meals and ensure everyone has been satiated. They are always doing house hold chores for us to keep us happy and healthy. No one can take our mother’s place. She is our best well-wisher. She prays for us whenever we get in trouble or fall ill. She is the replacement of God. Only from her we get unconditional love and blessings. Hence paradise lies beneath our mother’s feet.

A Mother is one who sacrifice her entire life to her children till her death. She is most caring person in this world. Many of them love is like friends, family etc.., but only mother's love can smash the entire fake love. Since, God cannot be their everywhere Almighty Allah created a mother's who care for us, love us and protect from the evil. Mother has a strong weapon so that she can fought for her children with the world. She sacrifices her happiness for her children.
This story about a mother and her son they were living happily. One day mother said to her son, get married my son because I am not feeling well day by day to take care of you. If you get married your wife will take care of you as well as mine. After few days he gets married to a beautiful girl. On the fine day his wife told to him that she want to eat her mother- in- law heart. So , went to his mother and said to your daughter- in- law asking for your heart with no argument and fighting his mother gave her heart to son. He was coming back to home with the heart that was in his hand and on the way he met with a small accident. Suddenly, the sound has been heared like Are you fine my son? He was shocked and saw that the sound had came from the heart of the mother. At that time he realizes that what he was doing, he started scolding himself and he came back to home. He scolded his wife your not a daughter-in-law to my mother, then how can you be my wife and they realize their mistakes. After that he returned home with his mother and they were happily living. So in this we learned that no one can love us except mother. Only mother love can kill the entire fake love
If we don't care of our mother then how could you expect that your children should take care of you. We all are born with love, affection, emotions, care. But for the next generation they will be living in robotics world were they don't even know the value of mother. That's why do respect your mother so that she can live happily. She is not asking your property indeed she needs some care, love, affection from her children. If we hurt them with our ego and frustration, then allah will not allow us in paradise. Even though she allows with her love but allah never accept you.