paragraph on teenage life
The life of a teenager seems to change daily.
One minute a teen seems interested in a new sport, topic in school, or type of music, only to completely shift gears the next. Constantly exposed to new ideas, social situations, and people, teenagers work to develop their personalities and interests
A teenager, or teen, is a person who falls within the ages of 13 to 19 years old. The word "teenager" is another word for an adolescent. When a teenager turns 20, they are no longer a teenager: they are no longer in that developmental stage.
The way the word is used varies. Most societies traditionally had a formal ceremony to mark the change from childhood to adulthood. These ceremonies were often quite elaborate.During puberty, rapid mental and physical development occurs. Adolescence is the name for this transition period from childhood to adulthood.
In the United States, children and teens from the ages 11–14 go to middle school, while teenagers from the ages of 14–18 typically go to high school. In the United Kingdom, teenagers and children are mixed in secondary school. Teenagers attending secondary school (high school in the US) generally graduate at the age of 18 or 19.
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