Paragraph on the day without
elec means electricity
Electricity has become a very important part of our life; we are much dependent on electricity. If there is no electricity, life seems to stop. We feel restless without electricity. On a hot summer day, when there is no electricity, we start packing up and down. There seems to be no life without electricity. We sweat a lot. We cannot work. We cannot study and we cannot concentrate in anything if there is no electricity. We call up the electricity office again and again. We want that electricity should be restored immediately. We pass the time under great stress. When the electricity is restored, we heave a sigh of relief.I spent most of yesterday in the dark. When I say “dark” I don’t mean to imply existing in a “clueless state” but rather actually physically sitting in darkness. My rural area experienced a massive power outage yesterday, which left about 1000 people without electricity.
The day was an interesting exercise in how dependent I am on all things power driven. Without this utility I couldn’t use my phone, cook my food, do my laundry, freeze or refrigerate my perishables, see my sofa, stay warm, watch TV, boggle my blog, flush my toilet (I have a well), or partake in a simple cup of tea.
I think it helps u