paragraph on water refilling station
Purified water is water from any source that is physically processed to remove its impurities. Distilled water and de-ionized water has been the most common forms of purified water. Water can also be purified by other processes like reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, microfiltration, ultra filtration, ultraviolet oxidation, electro dialysis and/or etc. Mineral water is water containing minerals or other dissolved substances that alter its taste or give it therapeutic value, generally obtained from a naturally occurring mineral spring or source. Dissolved substances in the water may include various salts and sulfur compounds. The more minerals in drinking water, the harder it is said to be;…show more content…
The coverage of the research done was limited to residents of subdivisions near Cool Drops stations particularly Apovel, Patag and Reyes, Bugo respectively. Specifically, fifty percent ( 50%) of the respondents are exclusively consumers and dealers of Cool Drops and the other fifty percent (50 % )are consumers of other products living near the two outlets. We used the 50 – 50 ratio for fair tabulation. We’ve got two variables, first is the Cool Drops respondents and the other is the respondents from the other brand these two variables are basically the group’s basis for comparison.
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have a good day ahead