English, asked by UtkarshTheGamingPro, 1 month ago

Paragraph On"Where do you see yourself 20 year's from now?"​


Answered by Aarti2065


We all have hopes, dreams, and goals we see being met within our lives. From doctors, to scientists, to teachers, we all want to do or be something when we grow up. May that be becoming a mom, dad, librarian, or even an actor/actress. Thinking so far ahead in our lives may be tough, and we may not know the direction we’re going, or the path we’re going to take, but we all have dreams and expectations for our futures.

Sophomore Steven Jones has big plans for his future.

“In twenty years, I’ll be thirty-five years old and I see myself in many places, but there’s only one that I aspire to live in. My life is living in Hollywood, and being a model for a company through my twenties, but since this is where I’ll be in twenty years, I’m hoping to have a whole clothing line but more of like a company rather than “merch”, I want to have it be wholesale like Nike, and Urban Outfitters, for example,” Jones said.

Aside from fashion and modeling being a huge part of Jones’ life, he also hopes to have a family of his own.

“I’ll be making big moves, I also see myself with a boy and a girl 5 years apart and my husband who is a firefighter and a lawyer and a cop or something cool and is making me a lot of money. I see myself without a job, more like a daily basis routine that I enjoy and happen to make money doing it,” Jones said.

Jones sees himself living a very glamorous lifestyle twenty years from now.

“My house, what’s a house? never heard of her. I’ll be living in a mansion. It sounds crazy, but it’s realistic because if I try hard enough I will get there. So. I see myself in a mansion in Socal. Big enough to where I could let all my loved ones live if they want to, as well as all my friends,” Jones said.

Jones isn’t the only one who has their future all laid out. Senior Vanessa Jauregui has a few hopes and dreams of her own.

“In twenty years, I see myself being happy with the love of my life and our 4 beautiful children. I was raised most of my life in a big city, I would love for my children to experience the same. Hopefully I will be successful enough to take them traveling to places I’ve only imagined going to.” Jauregui said.

With big goals, comes hard work. Jauregui tells us how she plans on reaching hers.

“With that being said, I also hope to obtain my dream career in which I will be thriving in. Overall, I see myself living a long, happy life surrounded by those I love and those who push me everyday to become a better version of myself,” Jauregui said.

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