paragraph using linking verbs
Here are some examples of linking verbs used in sentences with the linking verbs in bold:
William is excited about his promotion.
She appears upset about the announcement.
The eggs smell rotten.
He went red after tripping on the rug.
Your plans for the wedding sound nice.
You look exhausted after studying all
William is excited about his promotion.
William is excited about his promotion.She appears upset about the announcement.
William is excited about his promotion.She appears upset about the announcement.The eggs smell rotten.
William is excited about his promotion.She appears upset about the announcement.The eggs smell rotten.He went red after tripping on the rug.
William is excited about his promotion.She appears upset about the announcement.The eggs smell rotten.He went red after tripping on the rug.Your plans for the wedding sound nice.
William is excited about his promotion.She appears upset about the announcement.The eggs smell rotten.He went red after tripping on the rug.Your plans for the wedding sound nice.You look exhausted after studying all night.