Parasympathetic nerve supply stimulation of the heart leads to
Stimulation of the parasympathetic nerve supply results in slowing down of heart rate, as a result of release of the hormone Acetylcholine.
The autonomic nervous system’s two branches control heart rate. They are the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System.
While hormones from parasympathetic nervous system slow down heart rate, those from the sympathetic nervous system – known as catecholamines, accelerate the heart rate.
Parasympathetic nerve supply stimulation of heart leads to reduction of heart beat.
The parasympathetic sensory system is the division of the sensory system that fundamentally balances instinctive organs. The parasympathetic framework is one of two hostile arrangements of nerves of the autonomic sensory system.
The nerve strands of the parasympathetic sensory system are the cranial nerves, essentially vagus nerve, and lumbar spinal nerves. Whenever stimulated, these nerves increases stomach related discharges and reduces the heartbeat.