English, asked by anshsethi9099, 6 months ago

4. Read the following passage carefully:
1. For many women, being in good health means 'being able to cope', being well enough to fulfil all the
demands made on them in the never-ending cycle of caring for home and family. Unlike a man's
work, which traditionally begins and ends at set times, women feel, rightly or wrongly, that they are
on call 24 hours a day. They find it difficult to set aside time for themselves, cultivate their own
interests, needs and desires. Yet these are as much aspects of positive health as exercise and eating
nourishing food. More and more women are recognising this now and reaching out for more than
just a 'coping concept of health.
II. Positive health involves becoming aware of and paying attention to every aspect of our lives and in
fulfilling the potential within each one of us. It also means being able to adapt. Remaining healthy
and in harmony with our constantly changing environment depends on our ability to change and
adapt to ne situations and people, new economic, political and social values. Unwillingness to
change creates tension, insecurity and anxiety-the starting points of illness. So health is not
something that resides in the individual alone. Our interdependence on our environment and on
other people is experienced most when things either go very wrong as in serious illness, or are very
right, when the harmony we feel in our surroundings and our relationships give us an inner peace.
III. Positive health means being able to alter our environment, just as we can learn to change our inner
world through understanding and awareness. This means developing a sense of one's individuality,
of taking responsibility for oneself and one's needs, making decisions and choices. It also means
developing the capacity to understand and share with others-to know, for instance, when it is right
to be responsible of someone else, a young daughter perhaps, and to know when to let the child
take charge of herself. Or, with another adult, to know when to let go and let him or her take care
of you for a while the development of mutual responsibility.
IV. To aim for positive health rather than an absence of ill health involves learning to listen to our body
language, to the finely tuned rhythms within us which can tell us about ourselves and our state of
health. This growing awareness can sometimes be painful: you may become conscious of the needs
or feelings you have suppressed and of ways in which you hold yourself back from living fully, the
fears and anxiety which keep you tied. But awareness brings with it a greater joy too. Pleasures can
be felt more keenly, opportunities grasped more confidently, choices made more clearly. Positive
health is the full creative potential of each one of us, it is a state of being, a continuous changing
flow, an adventure in which we seek a richer and more satisfying way of life.
a. On the basis of reading of the passage, make notes using headings and sub-headings. Use
abbreviations wherever necessary. Also suggest a suitable Title to it.
b. Write the summary of the passage in about 60-80 words.

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