English, asked by archanaprasad16241, 2 months ago

parts of speech= noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb,preposition, conjunction,interjection


Answered by vermariya958


Parts of speech are as follows-


NOUN - Noun is a name of person, place, thing or animal . For eg - Riya, Delhi, cup, lion etc.

PRONOUN - It is a word which can replace a noun in a sentence. For eg - he, they, we, I etc.

ADJECTIVE - they are the words which describe the qualities or states of being of noun . For eg - enormus, yellow, fast etc.

ADVERB - A word that adds more information about the place, time, cause or degree to a verb an adjective , a phase or another adverb. For eg - slowly, rapidly, sadly etc.

PREPOSITION - It is a word or phase that is used by fore a noun or a pronoun to show place, time, direction etc. For eg - in, at, on etc.

CONJUNCTION - It is a word that is used for joining phases, words or sentences For eg - and, but, or etc .

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