English, asked by Saurabhk6279, 1 year ago

Passage 2
He also told them that the government schools follow inclusive education. In simple words it means that special care is taken to ensure that the children with special needs I do not feel any inconvenience or discomfort in schools. Such children are paid due attention. Two experts have been appointed at the block levels who impart training to two teachers from every school in their respective block. He took them around the school during the recess. The Panwars were satisfied to see the friendly environment and no discrimination on the school campus.
Question 1.
What policy do the government schools follow ?
सरकारी स्कूल किस नीति को अपनाते हैं?
Question 2.
What does inclusive policy mean?
इनक्लूजिव नीति का क्या अर्थ है?
Question 3.
How many experts have been appointed in every block?
प्रत्येक ब्लॉक में कितने विशेषज्ञों को नियुक्त किया गया है?
Question 4.
What do these experts do?
ये विसेषाग्न क्या करते हैं?
Question 5.
When were the Panwars satisfied?
पंवार दम्पति कब सन्तुष्ट हुए?
Question 6.
Write the word from the passage which is opposite to ‘comfort’.


Answered by tootyfrooty

  1. the school follow the policy of inclusive education
  2. inclusive policy means that special care is given to children with special needs so that they don't feel inconvenient or discomfort
  3. two experts have been appointed in every block
  4. they impart training to the teacher in there respective block
  5. the panwaras were satisfied during the school recess by seeing the friendly environment of the school
  6. word from the passage which is opposite to comfort is discomfort
Answered by refilwe072


english tuuu


please addin english yohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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