English, asked by gshfgh7431, 1 year ago

Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow :
निम्नलिखित गद्यांशों को पढ़िए एवं नीचे दिये गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए –
Passage 1
Next day they reached the school and met the school Headmaster. Mr Panwar told him that his son Piyush had mobility problem. Mrs Panwar asked the Headmaster how her son would manage to mix up with other students. She also inquired of him about her son’s emotional adjustment in the school. The Headmaster showed keen interest and provided detailed information to Piyush’s parents about the provisions made by the government for the children with special needs (CWSN). He assured the couple that he had many other students with same or other such abnormalities. He told them that there were PI, HI, VI, MI (physically impaired, hearing impaired, visually impaired, mobility impaired) and albinos in the school.
Question 1.
What did the Panwars do next day ?
अगले दिन पंवार दम्पति ने क्या किया?
Question 2.
What did Mr Panwar tell the Headmaster?
श्रीमान् पंवार ने प्रधानाध्यापक जी को क्या बताया?
Question 3.
What did Mrs Panwar ask the Headmaster?
श्रीमती पंवार ने प्रधानाध्यापक से क्या पूछा?
Question 4.
How did the Headmaster satisfy them ?
प्रधानाध्यापक ने उन्हें किस प्रकार सन्तुष्ट किया?
Question 5.
How did the Headmaster remove their doubts about Piyush ?
प्रधानाध्यापक जी ने पीयूष के विषय में उनके सन्देह कैसे दूर किये?
Question 6.
Write the word from the passage which is opposite to‘asked’.


Answered by cinderella43
Can’t understand.......
Answered by bestanswers

The correct answers to these questions are:


1. The visited the school to meet the headmaster

2. They disclosed that their son is suffering from a mobility issue

3. Mrs, Panwar was concerned about how his son would adjust to the new environment. She asked the same with the headmaster

4. The headmaster explained the facilities offered to all the special students in the school.

5. The headmaster disclosed that there were many disabled students in the school and special care and attention were given to them.

6. The opposite of asked in Inquired

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