English, asked by tani1316, 10 months ago

time or another. Sneezing is a reflex action that your body perform
sponse to a stimulus. That means you cannot make yoursel S ELE
We all sneeze at one time or ano
automatically in response to a stim
stop sneezing once it has started.
When you sneeze, vour body
You have extra germs when you
Sneeze when you smell pepper or chili..
- Your body tries to get rid of bad stutt in your nose such as bacteria
serms when you have cold, so you sneeze a lot more. You might als
trose, there are hundreds of tiny hair. These hair filter the air you breath
out and pollen find their way through these hair and bother your nas
atungs. nose, mouth and the muscles of your upper body work together to bio
es miraders with a sneeze. When you sheeze, germs trom your nose get blow
the air. smng a tissue or a handkerchief captures most of these germs and arrests the
spreading is very important to wash your hands after you sneeze into them, especia
duming the cold and flu seasons.
Do you ever sneeze when you walk into onent sunlight some people say that
bappens to you then quite onen Scientists believe that the UV rays of the sun imitate
ose imming of these people, hence they sneezeif someone nearby sneezes, remember
ellfhem God Bless Yout, that is like wishing someone good health after their sneezing.
2.find the words or meanings from the passage
1. antonym of release
2. synonym of cause
3. invader means
4. antonym of help ​


Answered by amrita555






4.leave (maybe)

Answered by mannatrani568


why do we sneeze?


what do we have inside our nose that protect us ? what is their function

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