English, asked by malikinsha324, 1 year ago

patience is
the theme of the Poem
Snowdrop. Explain?​


Answered by zitsatorosemary


Summary of Snowdrop: The poem entitled “Snowdrop” has been authored by “Edward James Hughes” or “Ted Hughes”(pen name). The poet presents the harsh and cruel image of nature, unlike other poets who depict her beauty and glamour. The poet pictures the life of different aerial and terrestrial animals which are affected by the severe winter. Finally, he talks about a flower called Snowdrop which blooms in harsh winter. He admires the flower of Snowdrop for sprouting through the frosty earth’s surface.

In the commencing stanza, the poet says that the globe has shrunk because of the extreme cold. He says that cold has stagnated the movement of active and brisk creatures like a mouse, which seem to be dull and inactive. Further, the poet says that the crows, which are free to fly anywhere, are also restricted by the cold weather, and the weasels also remain dormant as if they are moulded into the statues of brass. Even if these creatures try to move out in order to find their prey, it appears as if days were converted into nights because everything seems to be dozing and lifeless. Moreover, they try to return to their places quickly due to the threat of death because of the chilly winter and, thus, this seems to be worried and senseless.

In the next stanza, the poet turns his attention towards the little, gloomy flower, Snowdrop which blooms in such harsh weather and cuts its way open through the frosty earth. It blooms in a beautiful way like the stars of winter season which shine without any consideration of cold and hot season. The snowdrop blooms with its drooping flowers which make a feel that its small, pale head is made of metal. Despite its heavy flowers and severe winter, it achieves its goal and blooms.


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