English, asked by sanu119, 1 year ago

patol Babu extra questions with answers


Answered by Anonymous
Read the chapter carefully you will understand it and mark important points. It will help you.
Answered by Sandy1251
Short / Long Answer Questions 
1. Describe the past of Patol Babu as an ac-tor.
Ans Patol Babu had a real passion for acting in his past. He was always in demand in Jatras, in amateur theatricals, in plays put up by the club in his neighbourhood. There was a time when people bought tickets to see him 
2. What did Patol Babu do for a living after having been retrenched? 
Ans Patol Babu opened a variety store. But he had to wind it up, after five years. Then he had a job in a Bengali film,. But he had to give it up due to high handedness of the boss. Then remained an insurance salesman for ten years. Of late he has been with a firm dealing in scr iron.
3. What was the news that Nishikanto Ghos gave Patol Babu? 
Ans Nishikanto Ghosh’s brother-in-law Naresh Du was in film business. He needed an actor f his film who is bald- headed, fiftyish and s It reminded Nishikanto of Patol Babu. So informed Patol Babu about the role and Nat Duff’s visit.
4. How does Patol Babu reconcile to dialogue given to him?
Ans The dialogue given to Patol Babu is ‘Oh!’. At first he felt that the film crew is teasing him. But later when he thought of Gogon Pakrashi’s words he decided to take that small dialogue seriously and he started to practice that ‘Oh!’ in different tones. 
5. Why did Mr. Mullick turn down Patol Babu’s request for a rehearsal? 
Ans Mr. Mullick turned down Patol Babu’s request for a rehearsal because the scene was to be shot in sunlight. There was a large patch of cloud approaching the sun. Hence, there was no time for a rehearsal.
6. Why does Patol Babu walk away before he can be paid for his role? What does this reveal about his character? 
Ans Patol Babu was more satisfied from his act-ing. So he denied to take his payment and left the shooting place. Only a great idealist who works not for money but for the satisfaction of his artistic soul, can do such a thing. Patol Babu values artistic satisfaction far above than mon-etary consideration. 
7. Describe the scene at Faraday House as Patol Baby saw it
Ans When Patol Babu walked to Faraday House, he saw a big crowd outside the building. There was a bus which carried equipment on its roof. On the edge of the pavement there was an instrument on three legs around which there was a group of busy people. There were some non-Bengalis in the crowd.
8. What were the special touches that Patol Babu gave to his role to make it more au-thentic? 
Ans In order to make his role more authentic, Patol Babu took a paper in his hand to pretend that he was reading it when the ‘collision’ took place. He uttered the word ‘Oh!’ mixing fifty parts of anguish with twenty five of surprise and twenty five of irritation.
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