English, asked by meme193, 6 months ago

Patriotism is a very complex feeling, built up out of primitive instincts and highly intellectualconvictions.There is love of home and family and friends, making us peculiarly anxious to preserve our own country from invasion.There is the mild instinctive looking for compatriotsas against foreigners.There is pride, which is bound up with the success of the community to which we feel that we belong.There is a belief, suggested by pride but reinforced by history,that one’s own nation represents a great tradition and stands for ideals that are important to the human race.But besides all these, there is another element,at once nobler and more open to attack, and element of worship, willing of sacrifice, of joyful merging of the individual life inthe life of the nation.Thus religious element in patriotism is essential to the strength of the state since it enlists the best that is on most men on the side of national sacrifice.

A suitable title for the passage could be
a)Elements of patriotism
b)Historical Development of a Nation
c)Religion and Patriotism​


Answered by sidratul1


Option c - Religion and Patriotism


This is because , The concluding line of the passage justifies the title.

Hope it helps... Please mark as the brainliest!!!

sidratul1: welcome...Please mark as the Brainliest
meme193: I can only mark you as the brainliest when someone else also answers
meme193: as the option for brainiest comes after someone answers
sidratul1: sure, no probs
sidratul1: Thanks btw
meme193: for what?
meme193: for what?
sidratul1: oh, never mind... just for your kindness
meme193: I am following you
sidratul1: Great
Answered by swethassynergy

The correct answer is option (c) Religion and Patriotism. According to the passage, the best suited title for the passage is Religion and Patriotism.


  • The Tile which is best suited as per the passage is "Religion and Patriotism".
  • The narrative and liturgical nature of patriotism makes its place firmly in the sphere of religion.
  • Therefore, it is theology and not ethnicity, politics, geography, or law that gives the best lens by using which we can critically observe nationalism and patriotism.
  • Hence, the core ct answer is option c.
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