Computer Science, asked by mcesar2007, 9 months ago

PDCA cycle is also Known as Deming cycle

True or False ?


Answered by pankajprasad852k



    mark as brainleist

Answered by shilpa85475


  • PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act or Plan-Do-Check-Adjust) is an iterative design and management method used by companies to control and continually improve processes and products.[1]
  • Also known as the Deming Circle/Cycle/Wheel, Shewhart Cycle, Management Circle/Cycle or Plan-Do-Learn-Act (PDSA).
  • Another version of this PDCA cycle is OPDCA.[2] The added letter "O" stands for observation or, in some versions, "observation of the current state".
  • The emphasis on monitoring and the status quo refers to the literature on Lean Manufacturing and the Toyota Production System.
  • [3] Ishikawa's modified PDCA cycle dates back to 1959 by S. Mizuno of Tokyo Institute of Technology.
  • The Deming Cycle is a four-stage management approach focused on continuous improvement. These and other similar models of continuous improvement are embedded in business and enterprise software.
  • The Deming Cycle consists of: Planning: Choose a process and set goals.
  • What to do: Execute the plan and start collecting results data. Test/study: analysis of results using statistical methods.
  • Action: Determine what changes are needed to improve the process. The Deming Cycle is also known as Plan Check (PDCA), Plan Search ( PDSA ), Schhardt Cycle, Deming Cycle, and Deming Wheel.


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